Old Man's War - John Scalzi

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I became interested in John Scalzi's writing after reading his short story After the Coup on Tor.com. I really liked the way he wrote dialogue and how the action flowed. So I started following his blog and other thing and eventually finally came across this book at the library, I picked it up and when I started reading I was instantly captured by the world and the characters.

Scalzi tells of a world that very easily could be our own a few hundred years into the future. The humans are still very human in both the good and bad ways and the universe is filled with sentinent life of all shapes and forms.

When reading I was tossed between blinking away tears and giggling, sometimes on the same page. Snarky conversations and pop-cultural references mix flawlessly with heartrendering scenes of absolute beauty.

I highly recommend this book to anyone, sci-fi/military fan or not.

  • Sooz
  • 9:11 AM


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